Your Path to Flourish: 10 Areas Where Great Advice Makes the Difference

“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”

Managing Yourself When You’re Overwhelmed

Will what you’re doing today matter five years from now? You’re overloaded and exhausted. You’re drowning in things to do. Business might be great, but you’re struggling. Your relationships are suffering, you’re neglecting your health, and you know life is not supposed to be this way.

Beyond Long-Term Care Insurance: Building a Comprehensive Plan

Most conversations about long-term care planning focus on insurance that’s designed to cover—or at least mitigate—the cost of care. That’s important, but is it enough?  

Your Next Assignment: Embracing the Emotional Journey of Retirement

You have your retirement numbers nailed down. You know how much you’re planning to spend, how much income you’ll need, and how you’re going to generate that income. But the financial component is just the tip of the iceberg. It’s the part we can calculate and see. What’s beneath the surface …

Medicare Made Easy: Avoid These Common Mistakes

A dear friend of mine once shared how overwhelmed she felt by the whole idea of signing up for Medicare. It wasn’t just the process that threw her off, but the emotional weight of it all—feeling like this was a “milestone” that meant she was getting older. Turning 50, 60, and even 65 didn’t …

Demystifying Social Security: Essential Insights for Your Financial Confidence

What do you actually know and what do you need to know about Social Security benefits? Want to make your head spin? Spend some time searching Google with social security questions, or worse, get on or ask your family and friends about Social Security. Maybe you’ve already done that …

Are you Raising Your Business to Thrive Without You?

If you left your company, would it flourish or fold?

Empowered Spending: Your Key to Financial Freedom

The cornerstone of financial planning is this question: What does it cost to live? What do you spend on entertainment each month? What about food—groceries at home along with eating out? How about transportation? Travel? Clothing? Gifts? Spending and lifestyle are closely related. Would you …

Three Reasons to Create an Estate Plan

Why it’s important to plan for when you won’t be here.

Equipping the Generations for Wealth Management

How to help your young adult children and aging parents navigate important financial issues Have you heard this story? On his deathbed, a man who had accumulated a significant amount of wealth told his wife he wanted to be buried with his riches. Rather than argue, his wife simply agreed. A …

Business professional using his tablet to check his financial numbers

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