Your Path to Flourish: 10 Areas Where Great Advice Makes the Difference

A flat lay of fitness and wellness items, including a dumbbell, a jump rope, a water bottle, and a yoga mat, arranged on a clean, neutral background. The scene evokes a sense of balance, health, and mindfulness.

“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”

Let’s take motivational speaker, author, and self-made millionaire Jim Rohn’s words of wisdom a step further: What if you doubled the impact and built a dream team of 10 experts to guide you in all aspects of your life?

Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed. (Proverbs 15:22, NIV)

Reject the myth that as a capable person, you should already know how to manage every aspect of your life. It’s not true, and it’s not biblical. We are made to be part of a community, to serve one another, to give of our strengths and receive where we are weak.

Within your community are those special people who are your go-to resources in their areas of expertise. Most of the time, these counselors will be people you personally know, but not always. They might be someone who provides you with formal coaching or casual advice. They might or might not know that you consider them an advisor. They could even be an author, podcaster, or some other expert who has a body of work you can turn to when you need help.

Here are ten areas in which a carefully cultivated team of experts can enrich your life:

Health and wellness

In addition to a medical provider who takes care of you when you’re sick, have someone you can turn to when you need guidance on any issue that might affect your health and who understands the importance of wellness.

Personal finance

Of course you need a wealth advisor (and I’m here for you for that). You also need mentors who are successful financially to just bounce ideas off of because you respect their opinion and appreciate how they steward all they have been entrusted with.


Find a credentialed tax professional who can give you guidance on personal and business tax strategies.

Business and career

You should have one or more mentors who can be a sounding board and resource for issues related to running your company or developing your career.

Spiritual growth and development

Have one or more spiritual advisors who can guide you on your walk with God. It could be a pastor, a personal friend or someone else, as long as it’s someone who is further along on their journey than you are.

Marriage and family

Whether you are married or single, with children or not, have a friend you look to who is the model of the life you want. Don’t just admire from afar; ask for advice when you need it.

Community (business and personal)

You need to be connected to people who are connected to other people that you can call on when you need a highly recommended expert. Not only will having community will save you time and money (you won’t be searching online for resources you don’t know), it will bring peace of mind that you’ll be treated fairly.

Fun and recreation

Have someone you can play with, someone who helps you break away from your day-to-day responsibilities. Calendar time with your fun friends so fun is part of your regular routine.

Fitness and nutrition

This is related to both health and wellness and fun and recreation. Have someone who will guide you so you are fueling your body with quality food and staying fit with exercise and other activity.

Rest and retreat

Find a friend who will remind and guide you on the importance not only of rest, but of retreat—that is, getting away from the demands of your life so you can relax and rejuvenate.

Don’t put these experts in silos. They’re not mutually exclusive; they blend and overlap. And remember that just as you have these counselors in your world, you should also serve your sphere of influence with your unique genius in the same way.

If you surround yourself with people who are excellent in all these areas, especially in the ones where you struggle, the compounding nature of your human flourishing, or what we call your return on life (ROL), will be exponential.

Related: Financial Literacy: What’s Your Return on Life?

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