Empowered Spending: Your Key to Financial Freedom

The cornerstone of financial planning is this question: What does it cost to live? What do you spend on entertainment each month? What about food—groceries at home along with eating out? How about transportation? Travel? Clothing? Gifts? Spending and lifestyle are closely related. Would you …

Make Goal-Setting Part of Your Family Culture

by: Michelle Ogden, CFP®, CRPS®, CKA® One thing most successful people have in common is that they know how to set effective goals and they do it for everything that’s important to them. And the people who expand their success to the next generation make goal-setting a family activity that …

Can a System Designed for Business Work in Your Personal Life?

When we implemented the strategies in Gino Wickman’s book Traction: Get a Grip on Your Business in our company, I’d love to tell you that the difference was immediate and remarkable, but actually, it took time. However, just like the book describes, we started to gain traction and then we s …

7 Economic Myths Busted

By Ryan Detrick, Chief Market Strategist We’ve been hearing many of the same myths over and over, yet we don’t think they are the big worry that the media and many make them out to be. These are legitimate concerns and have many investors worried, but we think the chances of them becoming l …

The Best Life Insurance is to Live

Live a life that’s truly priceless Life insurance is an important financial planning tool. It’s the most common way to make sure that the people who depend on your income are protected when you die. What’s more important than life insurance? Living. When it comes to financial nuts and bolts …

You are Your Biggest Asset!

People seek out a wealth advisor for many reasons. In the case of a recent new client, a couple had made a substantial investment in something that turned out to be a scam. When the wife first called me, she was distraught, fearing that they would be financially destitute. I could have focu …

What’s Wrong with the FIRE Movement?

FIRE stands for Financial Independence, Retire Early. It’s a lifestyle movement of people who commit to a program of extreme savings and investment so they can retire much sooner than they would on a traditional plan. Embracing the FIRE movement includes saving as much as 75 percent of your …

Investing in Your Child’s Financial Future: Helping Kids Develop Strong Money Management Skills

Gaining financial literacy at a young age is a vital key to finding financial freedom later in life. Give your kids the lessons they need now to make better decisions about money in the future.

Financial Literacy: What’s Your Return on Life?

by: Michelle Ogden, CFP®, CRPS®, CKA® Financial literacy is about so much more than money When people talk about financial literacy, they tend to think in terms of money—of income, expenses, budgets, investments, and return on those investments. There’s so much more to financial literacy th …

How Your Beliefs Drive What You Do

by: Michelle Ogden, CFP®, CRPS®, CKA® Though you may not be consciously aware of them, your deep-seated beliefs override what you know and influence your actions To understand how your beliefs impact your life, let’s examine the knowing, believing, and doing continuum. You start with knowle …

Why Haven’t You Retired?

by: Michelle Ogden, CFP®, CRPS®, CKA® Why Haven’t you Retired? As a wealth advisor, I spent a lot of time doing what is popularly called retirement planning with my clients. The goal is to make sure they have a sufficient income to fund their desired lifestyle after they are no longer worki …

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