Our Story
Michelle Ogden grew up with a dysfunctional relationship with money. She believed money was the answer to all her problems; she worshiped at the altar of the dollar until she was 30.
Little did Michelle know, she was the common denominator of all her issues, and she didn’t begin to heal until she did some difficult internal work. Now, Michelle has made her misery her ministry and is on a mission to help, motivate and inspire others to do the same.
Stress and anxiety are toxic emotions that are often associated with financial matters. Comprehensive planning can help significantly reduce negative emotions, replacing them with hope for the future, anticipation, excitement and progress as you move toward your preferred future.
At Ogden Wealth, we believe everyone is supposed to live a life well spent – and the return on your life truly matters.
Our Values
We stay true to our core values, mission and vision so you can benefit from our commitment to your needs.
Personalized Service
Mutual Respect
Imagination & Creativity
Our Founding Family
As the Founder and CEO of Ogden Wealth, Michelle Ogden is passionate about helping clients step outside of their current financial circumstances and think differently about their money. She recognizes that so much of financial decision-making is done from the perspective of fear, therefore she works hard to bring truth into her conversations with clients and empower them to make wise choices with their wealth. Often, the men and women she serves strive to be good financial stewards, they just don’t know how to accomplish their goals. She enjoys getting their financial house in order so they can leave a lasting legacy for the next generation.
Michelle founded Michelle Ogden & Company LLC in 2007. It is her mission to help people live a life by design, not by default. Stress and anxiety are toxic emotions that are often associated with financial matters. The comprehensive planning Michelle and her team provide significantly reduces those negative emotions and replaces them with positive ones, like financial confidence, hope for the future, anticipation, and excitement as you move toward your preferred future.
Outside of work, Michelle’s passions are her faith, family and friends. They are all so intertwined it is hard to know when one ends and the other begins. She adores the great outdoors and loves hiking, biking and anything related to the ocean (snorkeling, scalloping, lobster-ing, fishing, diving, etc). After watching her mother get deathly ill in 2008, Michelle has also made her own health a priority.

Our Approach
Your financial plan is built around your goals and vision. As your life and financial situation change, we continually make adjustments to optimize the outcome.
It’s no use explaining your financial plan if all we use is jargon. Our relationship is about keeping you informed in a conversational way.
You should know what you’re paying your advisor and how those fees apply to your investments. We’ll explain our fee structure so you have confidence you’re receiving the value you deserve.